Tuesday, 7 September 2010

ALT -C 2010

I am sat in a session on e-certificate for validation of experience or a portfolio - a very interesting JISC project which may have implications for the work that I am seeking to do with ACCA. Interestingly the e-certificate will have three stakeholders, issuer - learner - reviewer and there is no storage and verification happens digitally.You can go in and check for validation adn an evidence file is kept behind the e-certificate.

There is opportunity for re-cetification if required - this model requires that the student retains ownership of the evidence file and it is not held centrally - the e-certificate validates existence of the evidence but there is no back up of the file itself.

I think that this is agood idea - however, there are some real pertitent issues associated with data management, storage, accountability, employer perceptions, data flow issues etc

I am not sure that employers will really be bothered about an e-certificate which validates experience because there is such as move towards lifelong learning, potential etc which really only comes over from the evidence itself rather than the validation - there are issues with quality, consistency etc and Ithink that this would be good for professional or regulatory vocations where validation is important.

I think that this is something that could be bolted onto the PREPARE - as part of the peer review - the e-certificate could be used as validation for the point of entry by potential students.