Friday, 12 March 2010

PUPPS Activity Evening 9th March 2010

The evening went really, really well. We started off with a text poll in which students described their feelings about the project and whether they felt that they had experienced any value from participating. It is clear that all students agreed that PebblePad is great and has been a really useful tool for creating reflections etc - mixed views about the use of the PDA ranging from brilliant to frustrating.. It is clear that when the technology works it is an invaluable mediating tool, but it causes a lot of problems when not.

The students posted and published some mind maps from the session which are very interested and will be showcased in my webfolio of the project. Webfolio training went well and from the assets populated in PebblePad it is clear that there are going to be some really good webfolios.I intend to showcase the webfolios at the launch for the work based mobile module event, where I hope there will be some business centurions and local businesses who have expressed an interest in being involved in the module, so things are going well..I am still waiting to hear from Dr Jill Taylor about the PDAS but fingers crossed and wood touched that this is going to happen.

On a personal note, I have been invited to interview for a teaching fellow position so I am really made up - I have to prepare a 10 minute demonstration of my approach to supporting student learning so I am going to use my own webfolio, so I am starting that now! Will be good to experience what students will be experiencing!Which is what the project is all about biographical, lifelong learning!

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