Tuesday, 20 April 2010

Update on the project

Hello - its been a while hasnt it - I am insanely busy at the moment with assessments, marking, dissertation meetings etc

The project is bubbling away in the background and things are advancing nicely.

I have x3 meetings with students booked for interviews in May (I keep badgering them, so hopefully this will get sorted soon) and I have submitted a bid to HEA to fund a project with similiar methodology of IPA as I am using for PUPPS and my proposed PhD, so this will enable me to fine tune my approach and attempt to make this methodology work for me, in terms of establishing what I am trying to research.

Talking of PhDs I have now formally applied to Leeds University (eek), so watch this space!

Student content populated to the Gateway is very interesting and students have been very reflective in their discussions of their learning experiences on the project. It is interesting to note that students like to use technologies with which they are familiar and this is something I will explore more when I interview. Some students have not engaged with the process and I will be interested to see to what extent there is a flurry of activity towards the end of the project when their webfolios should be disseminated and showcased.

I am starting to see more multi-media outputs being populated and I dont know whether this is because students are now starting to put their webfolios together - we shall see

I have been putting my webfolio together for my TF interview on Friday (eek!) and it has been really good being involved in the project as both a participator and researcher.

One thing I need to do with urgency is follow up Becky Baldaro-Booth's offer of finding someone to judge the webfolio competition - I would like a comibation of graduate (thinking Ben Cotton - who expressed that his webfolio helped him enormously with his employability) and someone from industry.

Well watch this space!

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