Thursday, 8 July 2010

Update on the project so far

OK - so I am now trying to transcribe the interviews and will be using open coding to try and put them into a relational hierarchy - eek - the lovely Dr Junjie Wu has offered to help me with this and I feel I am going to learn a lot from this process - not least how to use Nvivo!

I have nearly completed the poster for the ALT-C 2010 which is fab - found out yesterday that the prize giving for the my winning module is when I am at the conference so I wont be able to receive it in person - I will have to ask someone to collect it on my behalf - a blessing really as I dont really like being visible at these things!

My report for SCEPTrE has to be in at the end of September sometime I think - it should be quite straightforward to do as the journal papers and conference papers I have submitted based on the project means I have done a lot of the leg work already - I just need to focus on the data analysis bit now.

The iVERG conference at Teeside University was really good - it was really interesting and everyone seemed really interested in my work with mobile and biographical learning - many had said that they had not come across biographical learning before (including a Professor) - so found it really interesting.

My work on virtualising a workplace has come to a bit of a standstill as I need to finalise the mod. spec for FOG (more revisions) and then I will need to pick up some momentum with businesses etc again

I was hoping the e-portfolio showcase would pull in some business contacts but bad timing on my part (I am still REALLY BUSY!!!) meant that not many attened - though as ever expressing what a great project it is etc

I feel the teaching fellowship may have helped open some doors on this - but I am a great believer in things happening for a reason, and though it may be more of a challenge without the contacts etc, I am sure that if I stay determined and focused I will achieve what I want to with this project and beyond.

So what is next? Well I need to finalise the report, submit a journal paper on the findings of the PUPPS project, develop the virtual workplace (lots of liaison with media services and placements needed!), finish the PUPPS ALT-C 2010 poster and of course work on next years modules - after this is all done I am going to take a break!!!

Ok - so I have a presentation for Friday on e-portfolios that I am giving in Headingley to prepare for - so as usual lots to do!!!!

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